

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing 23

Wow! I am so proud of myself! Although I had several bumps along the way, overall, I enjoyed 23 Things. Some of my favorite discoveries include flickr, image generator and podcasting. I can't wait to try these and some of the other discoveries with my class. It has been a goal of my to become better with technology and I feel this program has helped me tremendously. I am by no means an expert on any of these Things but at least I have taken the first step. I didn't think I would get so excited about the activities that I would have my own children try out some of them. They loved it! I commented earlier that, personally, I would like to take this class with people in a classroom. I would feel much more comfortable being able to ask questions. I know that would defeat the whole purpose of 23 Things but it would help me. If another program like this was offered I don't think I would be able to participate. I think the "Things" would be too advanced for me and for my first graders.
To sum it all up I would have to say this learning experience was...challenging.

PS. I did the survey and a blank window came up after I clicked the submit button. I wasn't sure what that meant or if my survey actually went through but I did complete the survey.


Amitch said...

Congrads! You made it! Hope you can take some ideas with you! Great Job!

VWB said...

I think you will surprise yourself with how much 1st graders can do with some of these things! Even something like a group podcast...and one reason they will be able to is because you have the confidence in yourself with the tools!
Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I guess it was a good "First Step". We'll have to commit to taking a few more steps, won't we?

arkreynolds said...

Congratulations! Now that you’re done, please keep in touch with your fellow bloggers. Come back as you have time, read new post, leave comments, and add new learning to your own blog. It is a great way to continue to learn and to share the knowledge!